Monday, July 22, 2013

IVF consultation?

So, today was the long awaited day-- my first visit with my IVF doctor. I was really expecting this huge process, at least 2 hours worth of test and questions. This didn't happen. So, I'm not even sure what I just did was really considered a consultation. Basically, he reviewed mine and "R's" medical history. Then, he gave us a run-down on a time frame and asked if we'd like to do the IVF in September. This actually worked out perfect for me because the soonest I'd even be able to be considered a day off from work would be Aug.30.  Anyway, he went ahead and put me on B.C. and scheduled me for another appointment the end of next moth--bright and early in the morning so I wouldn't miss work. The doctor is over an hour away so, it'll be an early morning. In the meantime, he said he is ordering my medication from a pharmacy, and gave me some background info on that... Apparently I'll be contacted by that pharmacy with an estimate for the cost of it all. At the next appointment, in August, I have to bring in what is shipped to me so he can show me how to do injections and give me a calendar telling me how and when to take which which medications. I'll have to get back to you on the price we end up paying for the medications-- luckily, my insurance will cover some of it. Today, he gave us the price of ICSI--assuming we need to do this ($1,500). The storage fees of my leftover embryos that cannot be implanted will also be $1,500...then a few hundred a year after that. SO worth paying the storage fees since I do plan on using the extras.... and I will NOT be destroying them...I know people have their own opinions on this and judge those who do IVF... Personally, I am pro-life and the embryos--frozen, implanted, or any other version are my babies... not something I plan to destroy. ANYWAY,I will also need to pay for my own anesthesia for when they do the egg retrieval. This isn't required-- as some people have a terrible, sometimes life threatening reaction to it. I've never had to be put to sleep and although it scares me, it is something I WILL be paying for and using... I hear it's quite the painful experience without it.

Random daily occurrence: The birth of the royal baby BOY was announced while I was waiting to be seen by the doctor. Talk about strange timing, right?

I wish I could share more about what happened, but seriously, it seems like this blog took longer to type than the time I was actually seen by the doctor. Apparently there's not much to really do until the medicine comes in. This is probably because me and "R" have already done so many test and are both currently seen by a doctor who sent over our information... the doctor didn't really need to test us to find out what was wrong since we already knew. However, he did mention we'd both be tested again next visit. Maybe that one will be longer than this one. I guess that is all I really needed to update today-- my next post will be the end of next month, unless something exciting happens before then. :-)