Friday, August 30, 2013

Medications and HSG

Today you're getting a two-in-one blog! Today I had my HSG. For those of you who don't know what that is....well, to spare you all the personal details.... they basically injected dye into me to see if there were any blockages in my tubes. Apparently my tubes look perfect. Other than some terrible cramping, I'm good to go-- I have to work tonight so, not looking fun to that.

My medication also came in this week! This was such a long process. So, my doctor ordered my prescriptions from a pharmacy. My insurance company sent me a letter telling me I could get three approved from their pharmacy. So, I split the order.... after at least 20 calls to each pharmacy, they finally got it figured out (minus the one my doctor forgot to prescribe...that will be arriving soon).

Now, let's talk about what everyone is most curious about when discussing IVF....costs. Like I mentioned earlier in my blog, the procedure is completely free for me. However, medications and other costs are what I am responsible for. So, just to summarize what I've spent JUST this WEEK.... About $3,000 in the fertility medications (seriously....). The HSG was covered by my insurance and still costs $300. Each appointment I go to will be $40 for my copay. I estimate at least 25 appointments with just this doctor. Anesthesia will be about $400. And the ICSI is $1,000.

Now, let's talk about other costs-- storage fees for the spare embryos..... that will be $1,500 plus a couple hundred every year. Also, if I need assisted hatching or anything extra, this will also be out of pocket. Of course, we wont know what will be needed until the actual day of IFV.

Some really exciting news we learned today is our IVF dates! We will arrive in Florida on September 28th (which also happens to be "R's" birthday). We will be coming home October 6th. This is a lot longer than we originally thought so we are both in the process of working out something with both of our workplaces. Hopefully I am eligible for a medical leave of absence.

My next appointment will be September 19th. From here, I'll learn how to mix my medicines and do the injections myself--something I am completely freaked out by. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but I'm only ok with shots and giving blood if I DON'T look. Not sure how this is going to work. Of course, I know it'll be worth it in the end.

These past couple have weeks have been insane, and very expensive (and slightly painful). However, it's still really exciting and it's so strange to think within the next month or so I could be making appointments to check in on our little IVF baby. I'll post again after my appointment...or before, if anything exciting happens. :-)
