Sunday, August 26, 2018

Another post, another life...

Wow! After rereading the last entry I realized absolutely everything about our life has changed. Which seems to be a common thing with foster care.

In court, our former foster son, B (and D) finally are getting a TPR hearing in September (next month). Visitations continue and the birth mother has become a little more sabotaging as far as all of the children are concerned. For example: encouraging bad behavior like fighting, name calling, urinating in public (yes, really), and taking off clothing. Considering B has a history of getting in trouble with school because of these, this was a big deal.

B started having in home intensive counseling. Outpatient counseling wasn't working and his behaviors were becoming more aggressive. IE: making suicidal comments, saying he will kill himself/others. Trying to harm the dog. Putting rubber bands around his neck and twisting. Really scary things. Our poor walls were also getting hit was some hard blows (literally).

Long story short, B is now in therapeutic foster care. After a year and a half with us, and with the possibility of adopting, we had to let him go. I miss him every day but I pray he is doing well. We have good friends going through foster care classes in hopes of adopting him when he's available.

In June, a couple months before B left us, we got a call the night before leaving for the beach for a child who was only needing placement for a week or so. We said yes and took him to the beach with us. He's the most perfect baby. Baby B came to us shortly before his first birthday the size of a 6 month old. He was very malnourished and hadn't had been to the doctor for shots. He had a long history with his parents and DSS as far as removal was concerned. He was born addicted and was lost in the system multiple times. He is still with us and we are being told it's only a matter of time before having to give him back. Out of the 14 kids or so that we've been placed with, none of them have felt more like ours than he has. We love him so much and enjoy every single day we are blessed with him. He will be getting his own blog posting once. He's not feeling well and currently napping so I will leave this blog short and sweet until next time.

The way things go with my blog timings, a lot will probably have changed by next time.But, hopefully for the good!!

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