So, I've got to be completely honest---I'm getting a little worried about this IVF cycle. This is probably due to me using google way more than I should. Today I had another sonogram....and blood I'll be doing every other day until time for Florida. So, today looked just about how it looked Monday. I just have a couple follicles on each side measure just under 10 mm. I'm no IVF expert but I feel like I should be noticing some change either physically or at least on the sonograms. I still haven't needed the ganirellix to slow things down...which is surprising. My nurse was even questioning to double check that I was still taking my shots--I still am...haven't missed a single one. I figured they would up my dosage but I heard back a few hours ago and I am still sticking with my low dosage. As someone in my early 20's I assumed I'd have so many follicles...which is why I didn't question my low dosage....but now since it's obvious I'm not progressing as much as I should.... I'm wondering what my doctor has in mind with this cycle. I know I need to trust him but at this point I'm becoming a little discouraged.
I'm about to take my shot in a couple of hours, other then this update...really, nothing has changed. I have my last appointment in VA on Friday.... they said they were going to trigger but I'm really not sure my body will be ready by then.... if things are progressing slow still, there's no way I'll have any follicles ready for retrieval.
I missed work yesterday because my sister had her baby!! Baby Ally was born yesterday around 1:32 PM!! She's so cute. My nephew looks just like his daddy and my sister desperately wanted a baby who looked like her--she got her wish. She has dark hair like mommy and so, so sweet!! I was such a baby hog yesterday...I believe I got to hold her more than my sister did haha.
So, Friday I will be getting another sonogram and giving some more blood. I feel like my right vein will be ruined after this entire process...that seems to be the only one anyone uses for whatever reason. It's become knotted up and really hard... which isn't a good sign. I believe they are trying to save the left for the actual procedure but I feel like they could be creative in getting blood in other ways.... just my opinion though.
So, As much as I dread going back to work tomorrow, I'm very excited that After that I will be on my way to Florida. I can't decide if I should back tonight or tomorrow.... I work all day tomorrow so really I'll have no time. I'll be getting on after 1AM and will be up around 5AM for my doctor appointment...then that evening we'll be leaving to Florida. So, I'll really need to get a nap in after my appointment leaving really only tonight and tomorrow morning to pack up. Well, I'll be posting again possibly Friday when I arrive in Florida or if I have time before we leave.
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