Sorry I've been a little MIA on here. I kept telling myself to update the blog, but I've been lacking the motivation to do so. Unfortunately this is not a happy blog post. And as if it's not bad enough typing up a sad blog, my stupid computer deleted the entire blog after I wrote it here goes take two:
My beta was negative. I woke up bright and early to take my blood test and after the dreaded wait, I finally called my clinic for results. The hospital didn't send them over so they tracked them down. My IVF nurse called me back and said unfortunately, the results were negative. She reminded me of the spare embryo we had and said I could schedule an appointment with my doctor if I chose to do so. I plan to make an appointment to see him to figure out what went wrong. I don't want to go threw this again if it's not going to work. My sweet sisters said they'd carry the baby if there is something more wrong with my body. So, I still have options. Not that it makes the loss any easier...
So, obviously this has been really upsetting for me and "R" but I haven't really broke down yet. I really don't cry often but I imagine I'll break a nail or something and just break down completely. I've been avoiding talking about it...I haven't really talked about it at all. I told my sisters and they passed the word around for me.... they keep wanting to talk about it but I don't think they get the hint when I change the subject....I know they're just trying to help though, it's sweet.
As if getting the negative test results wasn't bad enough, I've got the AF from he** to remind me that this didn't work. What I didn't know before starting this is the cycle after a failed IVF is WAY worse. I learned that since the medications make the lining so thick, you have so much extra to shed...I'm going to spare the gory details but, for those of you who may possibly experience a failed IVF (and I hope none of you do...), it's bad...and you're not just feel like you are.
I haven't taken any time off from work to recover physically/emotionally/mentally...but I didn't really need to. We're really slow and I've been training for something new so I'm really not doing anything anyway.
As a psychology major, I've always self-diagnosed myself and psycho-analyzed everything I do. I've decided I'm still in the denial stage of grief...I haven't fully accepted or allowed myself to really think about it, I've just been numb to the whole thing, avoiding the topic. I'm sure eventually I'll become angry and then can work threw it all but I think for now, I'll just take the numbness and prepare for a breakdown when I least expect it. :-P
So, that's the update for now. It may be a while before I update again...possibly after I see my doctor and talk about the IVF cycle we just did.... so, although this wasn't successful...we're not giving up. Keepin' on Keepin' the faith. It'll happen someday.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
POAS Addict && the dreaded 2ww
It is Friday, October 18, 2013.... three days before my beta....and it cannot come soon enough. Honestly, after returning from Florida, I was perfectly content enjoying being PUPO (Pregnant until proven otherwise). I didn't even really consider taking a home pregnancy test, I knew it'd be way too early...since then, however, I've become a POAS addict. For those of you lucky enough to not know all of these terms infertile people use, POAS means Pee on a Stick....ya know, taking a pregnancy test. What all IVFers are told NOT to do before the beta. However, I am not a very patient person, I've never been good at listening, anyway. So.... Wednesday I took my first test. It had the faintest of faint lines. The type of faint where you could only see holding up at a certain angle, from certain amounts of light, from a very short distance. My husband couldn't see it at all...but--it was truly a line, despite what he believed haha. I promise I wasn't imagining things. So, after much convincing from him, I decided to wait a few more days to hopes of getting a darker least a line visible to the both of us. I tested again this morning....and there was absolutely nothing there. I tried everything to force a line there by manipulating the way I held the test, but no luck. Worse mistake ever, now I've turned into a POAS addict. Luckily, there's only three days left to put me out of my misery.
My IVF nurse told me to stay off google, but I can't. I'm getting mixed reviews...everyone saying 10dp3dt (ten days past three day transfer) is way too early to test...but there are plenty of others who have gotten positive. So, I'm freaking out. I honestly feel pregnant. Yes, progesterone and my other medications mimic pregnancy symptoms. But, I just FEEL pregnant...physically, emotionally, and mentally. I guess I just have so much faith, even that negative pregnancy test this morning didn't completely make me give up hope. Of course, I'm a little nervous thinking that it didn't work but I just can't let myself think that far ahead.
So, as for my symptoms for this dreaded two week wait (Just a reminder, I am completely aware that the medications can be the cause of these symptoms-- it's just good to have some sort of reminder that there's possibly a baby or two growing inside of you).
So, like I was saying, the symptoms: I'm somewhat morning sick...ish? I have to eat every few hours or I am really sick! I normally don't eat much, I never have much of an appetite. Since this is a public blog, I wont add too much TMI in case somehow someone I know comes across this site, but... for anyone interested-- My left boob has become sore-- just the left. Also, I'm having REALLY vivid dreams. I normally don't remember having dreams at night, so that's why I am counting this as a symptom... of course, it could be because I have so much on my mind.
For anyone who is going through this or possibly going to go through-- I'll give you the same advice I was given-- stay busy!! If it wasn't for work, family, and television... I'd be obsessed with google and peeing on things.... well, pregnancy tests at least :-P
So, I've texted my hubby and he's going to pick up a few more test on his way home from work... I plan to take them until two lines appear.... really, my body has no choice but to become pregnant.... I feel like this is a good plan :-)
Tomorrow I have a family get-together.... and Sunday I have the day off thanks to an awesome co-worker who needed extra hours the same time I needed a break. So, I will probably spend all day Sunday anxiously awaiting for my beta the next day and peeing on pregnancy tests until one is positive. I will probably wait to blog after the beta. Depending on how it goes and what I have to do that day, I'll post an update as soon as I can.
Here's to hoping my next post has a more exciting subject... ;-)
My IVF nurse told me to stay off google, but I can't. I'm getting mixed reviews...everyone saying 10dp3dt (ten days past three day transfer) is way too early to test...but there are plenty of others who have gotten positive. So, I'm freaking out. I honestly feel pregnant. Yes, progesterone and my other medications mimic pregnancy symptoms. But, I just FEEL pregnant...physically, emotionally, and mentally. I guess I just have so much faith, even that negative pregnancy test this morning didn't completely make me give up hope. Of course, I'm a little nervous thinking that it didn't work but I just can't let myself think that far ahead.
So, as for my symptoms for this dreaded two week wait (Just a reminder, I am completely aware that the medications can be the cause of these symptoms-- it's just good to have some sort of reminder that there's possibly a baby or two growing inside of you).
So, like I was saying, the symptoms: I'm somewhat morning sick...ish? I have to eat every few hours or I am really sick! I normally don't eat much, I never have much of an appetite. Since this is a public blog, I wont add too much TMI in case somehow someone I know comes across this site, but... for anyone interested-- My left boob has become sore-- just the left. Also, I'm having REALLY vivid dreams. I normally don't remember having dreams at night, so that's why I am counting this as a symptom... of course, it could be because I have so much on my mind.
For anyone who is going through this or possibly going to go through-- I'll give you the same advice I was given-- stay busy!! If it wasn't for work, family, and television... I'd be obsessed with google and peeing on things.... well, pregnancy tests at least :-P
So, I've texted my hubby and he's going to pick up a few more test on his way home from work... I plan to take them until two lines appear.... really, my body has no choice but to become pregnant.... I feel like this is a good plan :-)
Tomorrow I have a family get-together.... and Sunday I have the day off thanks to an awesome co-worker who needed extra hours the same time I needed a break. So, I will probably spend all day Sunday anxiously awaiting for my beta the next day and peeing on pregnancy tests until one is positive. I will probably wait to blog after the beta. Depending on how it goes and what I have to do that day, I'll post an update as soon as I can.
Here's to hoping my next post has a more exciting subject... ;-)
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
3 day transfer
As promised, I am posting to update on my 3dt (three day transfer)! For anyone who has ever gone threw IVF, a lot of people think the full bladder on transfer day is the worse. The cool thing about my doctor is that he has a machine that actually doesn't work well unless you have an empty bladder. I have a very tiny bladder so I wasn't surprised when he made me go pee halfway threw because it was full just after 20 minutes of using the bathroom.
So, after I got undressed below the waist, I was told all three embryos were doing well! After a little lecture about the risk of multiples, I signed with my doctor to allow for two embryos to be transferred. What is so exciting is that the two embryos were very good--8 cells and not much fragmentation at all (all good things when it comes to embryos). Obviously, it isn't a sure bet they will both stick BUT.... it does raise the odds a bit.
My husband and I hold pretty strong feelings on topics such as abortion/selective reduction....that kind of thing. The doctor wanted to know where we stood on this (just in case). He asked, "What will you do if it is multiples...." Hubby spoke up really fast on this one and said..."Then we're raising two!" haha I just busted out laughing, usually I'd give him "the look" for sounding rude but, I would have probably answered about the same if I had time. The doctor learned pretty quickly where we stood on that and we were good to go.
The transfer itself was a little painful, I'm sure the valium made it a lot more comfortable for me though. Once we seen where the embryos were placed, I forgot all about the pain. They double checked to make sure they were in and then I laid back for about 15 minutes. After that, I got up and just taking it easy. I've put myself on bed rest for today...we got the OK to come home tomorrow or Thursday, depending on the weather... I almost want to go ahead and go home to see my puppy and rest up at home where I have family to spoil me for a while until I head back to work on Friday!
I cramp on and off but as of right now, I feel fine...just tired. I'm just doing some hard core praying and hoping for the best! I take the blood test in 12 days to confirm a pregnancy, so I'm so excited for that. I am not sure when I'll post again for an update. I'm an extremely impatient person so I feel like this 2ww (two week wait) is going to be awful on me. I have to resist from taking an EPT. I feel like by day 9 past transfer I'll take one...even though I know I shouldn't. I just know myself too well! Well, I am back to laying down and waiting to take my last progesterone shot....tomorrow starts the "easier" drugs-- aspirin, prenatal, and a couple pills that have to go.... not in my mouth.
So, until next time... :-)
So, after I got undressed below the waist, I was told all three embryos were doing well! After a little lecture about the risk of multiples, I signed with my doctor to allow for two embryos to be transferred. What is so exciting is that the two embryos were very good--8 cells and not much fragmentation at all (all good things when it comes to embryos). Obviously, it isn't a sure bet they will both stick BUT.... it does raise the odds a bit.
My husband and I hold pretty strong feelings on topics such as abortion/selective reduction....that kind of thing. The doctor wanted to know where we stood on this (just in case). He asked, "What will you do if it is multiples...." Hubby spoke up really fast on this one and said..."Then we're raising two!" haha I just busted out laughing, usually I'd give him "the look" for sounding rude but, I would have probably answered about the same if I had time. The doctor learned pretty quickly where we stood on that and we were good to go.
The transfer itself was a little painful, I'm sure the valium made it a lot more comfortable for me though. Once we seen where the embryos were placed, I forgot all about the pain. They double checked to make sure they were in and then I laid back for about 15 minutes. After that, I got up and just taking it easy. I've put myself on bed rest for today...we got the OK to come home tomorrow or Thursday, depending on the weather... I almost want to go ahead and go home to see my puppy and rest up at home where I have family to spoil me for a while until I head back to work on Friday!
I cramp on and off but as of right now, I feel fine...just tired. I'm just doing some hard core praying and hoping for the best! I take the blood test in 12 days to confirm a pregnancy, so I'm so excited for that. I am not sure when I'll post again for an update. I'm an extremely impatient person so I feel like this 2ww (two week wait) is going to be awful on me. I have to resist from taking an EPT. I feel like by day 9 past transfer I'll take one...even though I know I shouldn't. I just know myself too well! Well, I am back to laying down and waiting to take my last progesterone shot....tomorrow starts the "easier" drugs-- aspirin, prenatal, and a couple pills that have to go.... not in my mouth.
So, until next time... :-)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Embryo update
As of 12:30 pm we have three "beautiful embryos" according to my RE. Yesterday we were told out of the four, three fertilized. Today was supposed to be our TWO day transfer. "R" made a joke saying he bets when we get down there he'll want to do it the next day--surprise, surprise-- that's what happened. But, honestly, I think I like the idea of a 3 day transfer over the 2 day, it'll give him more time to see which one(s) are the strongest and most likely to make it. I'm just so relieved they're all still ok. Tomorrow at 11:30pm is the for sure transfer day--we hope!
I had already taken my valium and was prepared emotionally/physically for this...but, that's okay. He prescribed me another one so it's going to be a repeat of tomorrow.
So, I'm so pumped for tomorrow!! I just pray the three embryos make it over night and hold on. I'm really worried because today the doctor seemed to think he was only putting one back in... he told us earlier in this process he'd be willing to do two. I just don't want to go through all of this without a baby in the end. I'm not sure if that makes me selfish or smart? I know the risks for multiples... I'd be completely fine with two and would take all the extra steps to ensure a safe pregnancy/delivery--I was planning on doing that with one baby, anyway.
So, Friday I go back to work--not looking forward to that at all. I hope I remember how to do everything. "R" still has until Monday to go back to work--lucky him! I think we may leave early Thursday morning to give me some time to rest and get back to spend some quality time with my adorable puppy who has been enjoying her time with her grandma...I'd be surprised if she wants to come back home because she's been having so much time playing with her sister and eating homemade chicken, steak, and whatever else my MIL has been spoiling her with. :-)
So, I'll try to update tomorrow, not sure if I'll be on strict bed rest requiring me to lay a certain way or not but once I'm able to sit up and have some free time, I'll update as soon as possible. Tonight, I'm just praying the embryos will be safe and tomorrow goes as well as we hope!
I had already taken my valium and was prepared emotionally/physically for this...but, that's okay. He prescribed me another one so it's going to be a repeat of tomorrow.
So, I'm so pumped for tomorrow!! I just pray the three embryos make it over night and hold on. I'm really worried because today the doctor seemed to think he was only putting one back in... he told us earlier in this process he'd be willing to do two. I just don't want to go through all of this without a baby in the end. I'm not sure if that makes me selfish or smart? I know the risks for multiples... I'd be completely fine with two and would take all the extra steps to ensure a safe pregnancy/delivery--I was planning on doing that with one baby, anyway.
So, Friday I go back to work--not looking forward to that at all. I hope I remember how to do everything. "R" still has until Monday to go back to work--lucky him! I think we may leave early Thursday morning to give me some time to rest and get back to spend some quality time with my adorable puppy who has been enjoying her time with her grandma...I'd be surprised if she wants to come back home because she's been having so much time playing with her sister and eating homemade chicken, steak, and whatever else my MIL has been spoiling her with. :-)
So, I'll try to update tomorrow, not sure if I'll be on strict bed rest requiring me to lay a certain way or not but once I'm able to sit up and have some free time, I'll update as soon as possible. Tonight, I'm just praying the embryos will be safe and tomorrow goes as well as we hope!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Trigger && Egg Retrieval
There is so much to update on this post. As I write this I have just woke up from a nap to try and recover from the egg retrieval. So, here's what has happened since my last post from Monday's appointment. Wednesday I had another sonogram that showed my biggest follicle at 18mm and about 10 smaller ones around 10mm. So, We left Wednesday night and made it to Florida around 5am appointment wasn't until 830 that morning so I sort of took a nap at the hospital until time to go in.
I had to give more blood and they checked the follicles again... now I was showing 2 follicles measuring 23 and 25mm.... my IVF nurse from back home said he'd want them to be about 20mm before the trigger shot so this was good news for me!! I did a little shopping and ate something and we checked into the hotel. Three hours into sleeping I got the phone call...seemed pretty urgent asking me to get to the hospital because my estrogen level actually DROPPED. Of course I googled the entire trip to the hospital but once I got there she basically said this means I'm ready for triggered--which they assumed would be that night anyway. So, "R" got a lesson in how to inject me...this one went into the butt muscle...which left me feeling bruised until today... Also, they changed my trigger...I had Lupron but they changed it to HCG. I was so worried I'd have to buy that new one and wasted money on the Lupron....luckily they let me change...I gave them my Lupron, they gave me the donated HCG they had--so this worked out well!
At 10:30pm Thursday night I triggered. Saturday (today) at 9:30 was my scheduled Egg retrieval. I had to get there by 9am to get prepped... Once I got there I had to change into the hospital gown, the very stylish hair net and put the little sock booties over my socks. I laid down in the procedure room and the anesthesiologist gave me a run down on what he was going to do. I got the IV put in my hand (thankfully, giving my arms a rest--I am already starting to look like a junkie with both arm veins blown from so many times of giving blood). I also got the little heart sticky things on, oxygen and probably some other stuff I just can't fully remember at the moment.
The worse part about this was probably whatever they shot in me to numb my hand... that really stung... but I didn't feel the IV go in. So, The doctor came in and my Florida IVF nurse and we just talked and he asked if I had questions. Then they told me I'd be getting sleepy drugs.... I was really worried about being put to sleep because I've never had to do it before. Before I went in I kept telling my husband I was worried I wouldn't go to sleep and they'd think I was asleep. The last thing I remember is one of the doctors saying, "your arm is going to hurt but that's just the medicine going in." I really wanted to say "yeah, I feel it" but I was too sleepy to say anything... I said a little prayer and thought I had just went to sleep.
I woke up to my IVF nurse and she said I talked in my sleep and said that I told them, "by the way, I'm still awake!" so they pushed more medicine. I don't remember that at all so I'm not sure if I was really sleeping or awake talking...either way, the medicine must have done the trick.
While I was in the procedure, "R" did his thing and he said it was so awkward... he said the nurse put in a "special movie" in and he was a little freaked out haha... he said he turned the TV off but was grossed out by touching the remote. He said he just wanted to get it done with and get out of that room haha.
When I woke up, I got dressed and was talking and everything was fine. I was freezing from the medicine and a little tired and sore but nothing too bad.
After we left the hospital I got my list of new drugs and was told he was doing a 2-day transfer. I'm scheduled to go back Monday at noon...I'm really not sure how I feel about that. Also, I was told they only got four eggs...I'm so worried about that but I have faith we will get at least one to fertilize, if not all four--praying hard they make it! My husband was told by the doctor they got 8 eggs... and the nurse said, I'm not sure what happened to the other 4. Like I've said before, I don't really have a lot of trust in the doctor. All trust in God, though.
So, I went to Krystal burger and ate...been drinking lots of Gatorade. I was told when I woke up I'd feel like I had been kicked in the stomach by a horse...I was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for is the extreme pain...I am having trouble breathing...I can't hurts so bad to pee and's just so much pain right now. If my laptop wasn't right beside of me, I probably wouldn't be blogging right even hurts to sit up in bed.
At 8 I'll take progesterone.... at 11 I'll take the second pill of the doxycycline. Ryan is finished with the antibiotics, now it's my turn. Earlier today I took the aspirin, prenatal vitamin, and a couple of other pills. I'll take these all until transfer day on Monday, then will get a new calendar of medications to take throughout at least the 2ww. I dread the 2 week wait, I'm the most impatient person in the world. I think my biggest issue will be avoiding taking a pregnancy test, but I know if I do it'll lead to disappointment or false hope. I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow, we planned on going to St. Augustine and the beach...yesterday we went to the zoo and did some more shopping.
We will hear back tomorrow how my eggs are doing and how they fertilized so, praying for good news!! I'll either blog tomorrow or the next day. :-)
I had to give more blood and they checked the follicles again... now I was showing 2 follicles measuring 23 and 25mm.... my IVF nurse from back home said he'd want them to be about 20mm before the trigger shot so this was good news for me!! I did a little shopping and ate something and we checked into the hotel. Three hours into sleeping I got the phone call...seemed pretty urgent asking me to get to the hospital because my estrogen level actually DROPPED. Of course I googled the entire trip to the hospital but once I got there she basically said this means I'm ready for triggered--which they assumed would be that night anyway. So, "R" got a lesson in how to inject me...this one went into the butt muscle...which left me feeling bruised until today... Also, they changed my trigger...I had Lupron but they changed it to HCG. I was so worried I'd have to buy that new one and wasted money on the Lupron....luckily they let me change...I gave them my Lupron, they gave me the donated HCG they had--so this worked out well!
At 10:30pm Thursday night I triggered. Saturday (today) at 9:30 was my scheduled Egg retrieval. I had to get there by 9am to get prepped... Once I got there I had to change into the hospital gown, the very stylish hair net and put the little sock booties over my socks. I laid down in the procedure room and the anesthesiologist gave me a run down on what he was going to do. I got the IV put in my hand (thankfully, giving my arms a rest--I am already starting to look like a junkie with both arm veins blown from so many times of giving blood). I also got the little heart sticky things on, oxygen and probably some other stuff I just can't fully remember at the moment.
The worse part about this was probably whatever they shot in me to numb my hand... that really stung... but I didn't feel the IV go in. So, The doctor came in and my Florida IVF nurse and we just talked and he asked if I had questions. Then they told me I'd be getting sleepy drugs.... I was really worried about being put to sleep because I've never had to do it before. Before I went in I kept telling my husband I was worried I wouldn't go to sleep and they'd think I was asleep. The last thing I remember is one of the doctors saying, "your arm is going to hurt but that's just the medicine going in." I really wanted to say "yeah, I feel it" but I was too sleepy to say anything... I said a little prayer and thought I had just went to sleep.
I woke up to my IVF nurse and she said I talked in my sleep and said that I told them, "by the way, I'm still awake!" so they pushed more medicine. I don't remember that at all so I'm not sure if I was really sleeping or awake talking...either way, the medicine must have done the trick.
While I was in the procedure, "R" did his thing and he said it was so awkward... he said the nurse put in a "special movie" in and he was a little freaked out haha... he said he turned the TV off but was grossed out by touching the remote. He said he just wanted to get it done with and get out of that room haha.
When I woke up, I got dressed and was talking and everything was fine. I was freezing from the medicine and a little tired and sore but nothing too bad.
After we left the hospital I got my list of new drugs and was told he was doing a 2-day transfer. I'm scheduled to go back Monday at noon...I'm really not sure how I feel about that. Also, I was told they only got four eggs...I'm so worried about that but I have faith we will get at least one to fertilize, if not all four--praying hard they make it! My husband was told by the doctor they got 8 eggs... and the nurse said, I'm not sure what happened to the other 4. Like I've said before, I don't really have a lot of trust in the doctor. All trust in God, though.
So, I went to Krystal burger and ate...been drinking lots of Gatorade. I was told when I woke up I'd feel like I had been kicked in the stomach by a horse...I was prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for is the extreme pain...I am having trouble breathing...I can't hurts so bad to pee and's just so much pain right now. If my laptop wasn't right beside of me, I probably wouldn't be blogging right even hurts to sit up in bed.
At 8 I'll take progesterone.... at 11 I'll take the second pill of the doxycycline. Ryan is finished with the antibiotics, now it's my turn. Earlier today I took the aspirin, prenatal vitamin, and a couple of other pills. I'll take these all until transfer day on Monday, then will get a new calendar of medications to take throughout at least the 2ww. I dread the 2 week wait, I'm the most impatient person in the world. I think my biggest issue will be avoiding taking a pregnancy test, but I know if I do it'll lead to disappointment or false hope. I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow, we planned on going to St. Augustine and the beach...yesterday we went to the zoo and did some more shopping.
We will hear back tomorrow how my eggs are doing and how they fertilized so, praying for good news!! I'll either blog tomorrow or the next day. :-)
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
A light at the end of the IVF tunnel
So, we are officially leaving Wednesday night to go to Florida. I have about 12 follicles ranging in the 8-14mm range. Only one 14 mm.... several 10 and 12 mm and a few 8mm that need to catch up. I'm still taking the 3 bravelle to 1 menopur. Gannirellix SUCKS. It burns so bad....I end up with a terrible red patch for a few hours after the injection. Also, the needle is really dull so I actually have to push it in and sort of wiggle it around to get it to go in. It's pretty awful.
I'm not even half-way packed up to leave tomorrow. Haven't made the final reservations for the hotel reservations and there's so much to do! I have my last ultrasound here in the morning, coming home to sleep (hopefully) then leaving around 7pm. I am hoping to get my school work done and all of the packing finished in time to go. I'm so excited but it's just such a stressful trip to plan out last minute. My doctor can't even tell me how long I'll be down there. I am praying my work will cooperate with me missing some more days and I just hope we can find a hotel for the extra days we need to stay.
When I first created this blog the name "our journey to you" was taken...I had to add in "faithful" and I'm so glad I did...this truly is a journey of faith. I think a lot of the time people put their faith in the wrong people or things.... we have our faith placed in God alone. We can't trust our doctors... we are just praying and faithfully believing that God is looking out for us...we know he has as seen in the miracles that's been coming our way since we started this entire process nearly 4 years ago... and we continue to see all of the amazing things happening every single day.
So, I will try to update after my Thursday morning appointment in Florida...I sort of dread seeing the doctor, he's usually pretty rude and not very helpful...however, I am getting closer to becoming a momma which is so exciting. We've got a long of major decisions to make as far as storing extra embryos and how many embryos to transfer back... this is a really overwhelming process but we are almost finished....we are finally seeing a light at the end of the long IVF tunnel.
I'm not even half-way packed up to leave tomorrow. Haven't made the final reservations for the hotel reservations and there's so much to do! I have my last ultrasound here in the morning, coming home to sleep (hopefully) then leaving around 7pm. I am hoping to get my school work done and all of the packing finished in time to go. I'm so excited but it's just such a stressful trip to plan out last minute. My doctor can't even tell me how long I'll be down there. I am praying my work will cooperate with me missing some more days and I just hope we can find a hotel for the extra days we need to stay.
When I first created this blog the name "our journey to you" was taken...I had to add in "faithful" and I'm so glad I did...this truly is a journey of faith. I think a lot of the time people put their faith in the wrong people or things.... we have our faith placed in God alone. We can't trust our doctors... we are just praying and faithfully believing that God is looking out for us...we know he has as seen in the miracles that's been coming our way since we started this entire process nearly 4 years ago... and we continue to see all of the amazing things happening every single day.
So, I will try to update after my Thursday morning appointment in Florida...I sort of dread seeing the doctor, he's usually pretty rude and not very helpful...however, I am getting closer to becoming a momma which is so exciting. We've got a long of major decisions to make as far as storing extra embryos and how many embryos to transfer back... this is a really overwhelming process but we are almost finished....we are finally seeing a light at the end of the long IVF tunnel.
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