Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A light at the end of the IVF tunnel

So, we are officially leaving Wednesday night to go to Florida. I have about 12 follicles ranging in the 8-14mm range. Only one 14 mm.... several 10 and 12 mm and a few 8mm that need to catch up. I'm still taking the 3 bravelle to 1 menopur. Gannirellix SUCKS. It burns so bad....I end up with a terrible red patch for a few hours after the injection. Also, the needle is really dull so I actually have to push it in and sort of wiggle it around to get it to go in. It's pretty awful.

I'm not even half-way packed up to leave tomorrow. Haven't made the final reservations for the hotel reservations and there's so much to do! I have my last ultrasound here in the morning, coming home to sleep (hopefully) then leaving around 7pm. I am hoping to get my school work done and all of the packing finished in time to go. I'm so excited but it's just such a stressful trip to plan out last minute. My doctor can't even tell me how long I'll be down there. I am praying my work will cooperate with me missing some more days and I just hope we can find a hotel for the extra days we need to stay.

When I first created this blog the name "our journey to you" was taken...I had to add in "faithful" and I'm so glad I did...this truly is a journey of faith. I think a lot of the time people put their faith in the wrong people or things.... we have our faith placed in God alone. We can't trust our doctors... we are just praying and faithfully believing that God is looking out for us...we know he has as seen in the miracles that's been coming our way since we started this entire process nearly 4 years ago... and we continue to see all of the amazing things happening every single day.

So, I will try to update after my Thursday morning appointment in Florida...I sort of dread seeing the doctor, he's usually pretty rude and not very helpful...however, I am getting closer to becoming a momma which is so exciting. We've got a long of major decisions to make as far as storing extra embryos and how many embryos to transfer back... this is a really overwhelming process but we are almost finished....we are finally seeing a light at the end of the long IVF tunnel.

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