As of 12:30 pm we have three "beautiful embryos" according to my RE. Yesterday we were told out of the four, three fertilized. Today was supposed to be our TWO day transfer. "R" made a joke saying he bets when we get down there he'll want to do it the next day--surprise, surprise-- that's what happened. But, honestly, I think I like the idea of a 3 day transfer over the 2 day, it'll give him more time to see which one(s) are the strongest and most likely to make it. I'm just so relieved they're all still ok. Tomorrow at 11:30pm is the for sure transfer day--we hope!
I had already taken my valium and was prepared emotionally/physically for this...but, that's okay. He prescribed me another one so it's going to be a repeat of tomorrow.
So, I'm so pumped for tomorrow!! I just pray the three embryos make it over night and hold on. I'm really worried because today the doctor seemed to think he was only putting one back in... he told us earlier in this process he'd be willing to do two. I just don't want to go through all of this without a baby in the end. I'm not sure if that makes me selfish or smart? I know the risks for multiples... I'd be completely fine with two and would take all the extra steps to ensure a safe pregnancy/delivery--I was planning on doing that with one baby, anyway.
So, Friday I go back to work--not looking forward to that at all. I hope I remember how to do everything. "R" still has until Monday to go back to work--lucky him! I think we may leave early Thursday morning to give me some time to rest and get back to spend some quality time with my adorable puppy who has been enjoying her time with her grandma...I'd be surprised if she wants to come back home because she's been having so much time playing with her sister and eating homemade chicken, steak, and whatever else my MIL has been spoiling her with. :-)
So, I'll try to update tomorrow, not sure if I'll be on strict bed rest requiring me to lay a certain way or not but once I'm able to sit up and have some free time, I'll update as soon as possible. Tonight, I'm just praying the embryos will be safe and tomorrow goes as well as we hope!
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